New Stuffs I Get Before Starting The New Life
First of all, LAPTOP! It is ASUS ASX80LE-2B4P, bought in First Worldwide IT Centre in Delta Mall, Sibu. Costs RM 2099, Intel Pentium Dual-Core, 160GB speed, 2GB memory(given free 1 GB from the shop), Bluetooth...Thanks to my friend, he gave some advices on which brand and which preferences should I have. Although a bit expensive, achieves my target to have the laptop, LOL. By the way, can someone please tell me how to use Bluetooth in laptop?
The view while I was viewing my blog, LOL. What is your comment?
And then is my new handphone! At last, I switched my handphone with my dad, Nokia 6300, can snap the better pictures, can listen to MP3, because it has memory card. Unlike my previous handphone, Nokia 6080. Although can snap pictures and MP3 is available, but no memory card! This camera is 2.0 megapixel, better than previous one, less than 1 megapixel. My music store still very empty, can someone send some MP3 to me? And now I can take lots of pictures! LOL
Actually this is not a new shoes, it is the ladies' shoes from National Service, *hahaha Shining after I polished it. Tell you something, I always polish spike boot during the training in National Service, = P
That big luggage just bought...the smaller one actually belongs to my dad, but I take it. You know, go out to further study just like moving to a new place...
Don't know why my mum bought me a wallet...Suppose guys who use the wallet, but...just ignore it.
Beautiful brown shoes...Suppose to wear in the university, but now I guess I don't have this chance already...just wear it when I go shopping. But still I got more and more new stuffs because I further study to IPG. Yea, I will study in Institut Perguruan Rajang, Bintangor on 14 July! Stay tuned on other pictures of new stuffs...