2008年6月24日 星期二

Be careful when you walk!

Ouch! My knee became like this because I didn't careful when I was walking. This Tuesday afternoon, after I finished the bank stuff, my mum, my little brother and I walked at town. I didn't realize the road is unsafe, there is a hole and I...you know what happen next, it has been showed in the picture above! How clumsy am I, isn't it? Pain? Yeah, PAIN! But thanks God, at least I I still can walk. If I wore high heel shoes, what will happen? Need to use 'stick' to walk...LOL

Yes, we always need to be careful when we walk, no matter you walk on the street or...on the 'way' you want. Yes, sometimes we have two different pathway, two different choices. We need to twice...not only twice, but thrice but you make the decision to choose your way. If you make the wrong the choice, you need to receive the result your get, no matter is good or bad. Just like me, fell down because stepped the wrong road, the wrong place, and now, suffer from pain!

