2008年12月30日 星期二
2008年12月26日 星期五
Christmas Gift
This is year 2009 calendar. I love the quotes from Bible on this calendar. It is from Methodist Church in Saratok(卓恩堂) We had the UV dance again there yesterday night.

Another view of the blue calender. Blue, my favourite colour~I love it! I will bring this to my hostel next year...

These two cute presents actually are from my church (新怀仁堂). Can you guess what are these? Yeah, you are correct! These are TOWELs! Which colour you prefer? I like both of them, hehe...
By the way, I nearly forgot this. For a long time I do not receive Christmas card, and this time, my coursemate sent me this. Thank you very much for using traditional way, although we have alternative ways such as email, Friendster and so on.
Oh, this...this fruits basket is a prize of lucky draw actually. It is new for me as the church organize this kind of activity. However, this prize had belonged to us now. =)

These two cute presents actually are from my church (新怀仁堂). Can you guess what are these? Yeah, you are correct! These are TOWELs! Which colour you prefer? I like both of them, hehe...

Although I had received a lot of gifts this Christmas, but the quotes below tell us about the greatest gift from God, that is the born of Jesus Christ to the world. So, we say, Joy to The World, The Lord Has Come!
This quote is on the friendly recycle bag which was given to the residents during our visiting in Spaoh and Roban.
This is my gift to you all,
Jesus Loves You!
2008年12月25日 星期四
昨天是平安夜, 我就这样到了圣诞节。
虽然民丹莪和泗里街的距离很近, 加上已经建好的桥拉进彼此的距离,可是...
人家问我, 我们的生日是否有一起度过?
一个是平安夜生日的,一个是元旦生日的, 只要大家在十二月聚集时, 就一次过, 把圣诞礼物和生日礼物一次送。 是不是很省钱叻?
人家又问我, 那我们的情人节和周年纪念, 有没有一起度过呢?
情人节的日子, 大家都知道, 我们的周年纪念落在2月26日, 而且有时候这两天又离农历新年这么近(明年就不会), 就在农历新年一起度过咯!反正, 初一, 我在他家; 初三,他在我家。
该不会连结婚周年纪念都在此时吧?这句话好像说的太早了... 呵呵
在这里祝他生日快乐, 从此时开始, 他就是“两张”了, 他20岁了...
虽然民丹莪和泗里街的距离很近, 加上已经建好的桥拉进彼此的距离,可是...
人家问我, 我们的生日是否有一起度过?
一个是平安夜生日的,一个是元旦生日的, 只要大家在十二月聚集时, 就一次过, 把圣诞礼物和生日礼物一次送。 是不是很省钱叻?
人家又问我, 那我们的情人节和周年纪念, 有没有一起度过呢?
情人节的日子, 大家都知道, 我们的周年纪念落在2月26日, 而且有时候这两天又离农历新年这么近(明年就不会), 就在农历新年一起度过咯!反正, 初一, 我在他家; 初三,他在我家。
该不会连结婚周年纪念都在此时吧?这句话好像说的太早了... 呵呵
在这里祝他生日快乐, 从此时开始, 他就是“两张”了, 他20岁了...
2008年12月17日 星期三
Promotion! My Another Blog
I open my another blog, especially for my word creations such as poems and short stories. But all are in Mandarin...
I had imported or copied some of my posts here to that blog, so you will see the repetition of the posts.
Soon, I will update that blog with my short stories with episodes, so check it out!
Remember to leave your comment if you have something to say...
Click this: http://mysquarewords.wordpress.com
Welcome you all!
Thanks for your attention...
I had imported or copied some of my posts here to that blog, so you will see the repetition of the posts.
Soon, I will update that blog with my short stories with episodes, so check it out!
Remember to leave your comment if you have something to say...
Click this: http://mysquarewords.wordpress.com
Welcome you all!
Thanks for your attention...
Finally I success!
Finally I passed my driving test!
At last...
However, I spent almost a year for my driving lesson and my driving test. After Chinese New Year, I started my driving lesson until March. From March until June, I was not in Sarikei, but in Kem PLKN Junaco Park, Sibu. I had the test on June, but I failed. Soon, I further my study in IPR but I was too busy and I could not spend my time to learn and to have the test. The JPJ test is held on Wednesday and it is so difficult to me to apply a leave in IPR. Hence, I took the test today. How happy am I, you know? Just like finally I had finished an imposible mission, hahahaha! I feel so relief right now!
I agree with this.
Finally I success!
Finally I passed my driving test!
At last...
However, I spent almost a year for my driving lesson and my driving test. After Chinese New Year, I started my driving lesson until March. From March until June, I was not in Sarikei, but in Kem PLKN Junaco Park, Sibu. I had the test on June, but I failed. Soon, I further my study in IPR but I was too busy and I could not spend my time to learn and to have the test. The JPJ test is held on Wednesday and it is so difficult to me to apply a leave in IPR. Hence, I took the test today. How happy am I, you know? Just like finally I had finished an imposible mission, hahahaha! I feel so relief right now!
I agree with this.
More difficult for you to have a thing you want, the more you will appreciate it.
The more you feel curious, the more you want to know it.
The more you feel curious, the more you want to know it.
But I want to talk about the first point today. It is very hard for me to have the car lisence, so I will use it very well after this...I hope I would not be one of my friends, she still could not drive after she had the lisence just because she does not have enough confident.
The days after this, I will busy with the celebration of Christmas. Yes, Christmas is coming soon! It was so lucky that youth has their practice earlier. When we left the church, we just reliazed they were lots of people and cars in the church. They were also busy to prepare for their performance on Chritmas Night celebration.
So, these are my activities for Christmas this few days...
By the way, do anyone knows where is Spaoh?
Sure I will share all this here, so just wait and see!
The days after this, I will busy with the celebration of Christmas. Yes, Christmas is coming soon! It was so lucky that youth has their practice earlier. When we left the church, we just reliazed they were lots of people and cars in the church. They were also busy to prepare for their performance on Chritmas Night celebration.
So, these are my activities for Christmas this few days...
- 18 December Christmas celebration in Spaoh
- 19 December Christmas celebration in Roban
- 20 December Christmas celebration in Tanjung Manis (afternoon) Combined Christmas Carolling in Sarikei town (night)
- 22 December Christmas Night rehearsal
- 24 December Christmas Night
- 25 December Christmas Day
By the way, do anyone knows where is Spaoh?
Sure I will share all this here, so just wait and see!
2008年12月14日 星期日
不要惧怕,要有信心 Don't Be Fear, Be Confident
《不要惧怕!》是我们堂会今年圣诞节的主题。 许多圣诞节故事都在强调 “不要惧怕” 这四个字, 比如童女马利亚被天使告知说她即将怀孕时, 她的心里是多么地惧怕,因为当时的她未婚,文化的封闭、社会的严厉处罚,还有自尊的破产,都是她所惧怕的, 这当然也是她的未婚夫约瑟所害怕的。 然而,天使告诉他们,不要惧怕,藉着上帝的能力, 凡是都能做。 就这样,他们选择顺服,马利亚听从上帝的话, 约瑟将他的未婚妻娶过来, 即使他有权利退婚。
路加福音2章8至15节也有一则圣诞节的故事,也是在强调这四个字。 天使报喜信给在伯利恒的牧羊的人, 当时牧羊的人感到惧怕, 因为他们认为他们只不过是平民百姓,担当不起。 可是上帝还是选择告诉他们这份佳音, 并且由他们来到处宣扬这个喜信。
其实,我们的生活都会面对不少考验,有时我们失去自信,认为自己无法面对,尤其是难熬的时期, 例如最亲爱的人离开我们、事业不如意、健康出现问题等等,大家的信心总是在这段时期塌下来, 这也是难免的。 可是,我们一定要懂得站起来,抱着信心向前冲, 不要惧怕他有多难熬, 尤其我们是有上帝可以依靠的基督徒,我们一定要有信心,相信靠着他的力量,凡是都能做。 虽然日子难过,可是上帝必与我们同在的。
现在我所面对的考验虽说不大,可是它们足以让我的信心动摇。 我承认,我拥有的信心是不足的,很容易就会灰心气馁。 我还记得,当我中四的时候, 我参与了领袖训练营,当中有一个项目让当时的负责人员认为我不够信心, 那就是走竹桥, 而且是只有两条竹绑成的桥, 旁边没有好握的, 相信大家对这个项目有熟悉感吧? 我不知花了多少时间才能闯过这关...虽说我参与国民服务后,信心有增, 可是还是会很容易气馁。 星期三会是我考汽车驾驶照的一天,前几个月,我在爬岭的一项失败了,因此迟迟都还没考到驾驶照。 今早,我去puspakom练习,师傅仍为我担心,因为我的转弯技术还未进步, 泊车时还是撞倒柱子,我真的不知该如何是好。 如果明年一月我还是失败的话, 我必须重头来过! 我才不要呢! 求主赐给我信心与勇气,好让我在这场考试上能够及格,我知道我的压力是存在的,我必须靠着主的力量,将这短短但难熬的考试做好, 也希望大家也为此事替我祷告...
六年前的平安夜,一只小狗诞生了...它只有三只脚, 而前面一只发育不完全,也就是说只有后面两只脚是能正常运作的。它的主人打算为它进行安乐死,连它的母亲也嫌弃残废的它。 然而,它的生命因它另外一名的主人而改变。 爱它的主人使它能够像人一样步行,就是用它的后脚行动,不知大家是否可以想象得到?它的主人就带着它四处进行激励讲座会,告诉人们,连残废的狗对自己都没有自暴自弃,反而出现奇迹!
二十年前,一名男婴出世了。 他的生日是在平安夜, 虽然小时候因为某种原因而信主, 并且使家庭成员一个一个渐渐信主, 但是年少的他和黑社会交朋友。 不过,他并没有做了伤天害理的事,在学校并没有闯出很大的祸,可说是问题学生中最少问题的学生。 他这样的人际关系令身边的人对他有负面的印象,感谢主,之后的他渐渐得在教会越来越活跃,并且发掘了他有音乐才华,使他无须为自己不是读书的料而感到自卑。 虽然现在的他已经在社会工作,可是因为上帝的奇妙安排,好让他的家庭因他是第一位信主而渐渐成为基督化家庭,并且也在教会事奉; 原本有可能成为黑社会一份子的他, 却因上帝赐的福而激发了他的音乐细胞, 并且也帮忙培育了更多少年人在赞美小组参与乐器演奏的事奉。
第二个见证是没有令人觉得...不知怎么形容,可是对我来说,上帝对他和他的家人的奇妙安排,让我相信上帝的存在,并且在他那里可得丰盛!总之,对自己要有信心, 不要害怕面对前面的考验,上帝是与我们同在的,凡靠它的力量, 凡是都能做!
路加福音2章8至15节也有一则圣诞节的故事,也是在强调这四个字。 天使报喜信给在伯利恒的牧羊的人, 当时牧羊的人感到惧怕, 因为他们认为他们只不过是平民百姓,担当不起。 可是上帝还是选择告诉他们这份佳音, 并且由他们来到处宣扬这个喜信。
其实,我们的生活都会面对不少考验,有时我们失去自信,认为自己无法面对,尤其是难熬的时期, 例如最亲爱的人离开我们、事业不如意、健康出现问题等等,大家的信心总是在这段时期塌下来, 这也是难免的。 可是,我们一定要懂得站起来,抱着信心向前冲, 不要惧怕他有多难熬, 尤其我们是有上帝可以依靠的基督徒,我们一定要有信心,相信靠着他的力量,凡是都能做。 虽然日子难过,可是上帝必与我们同在的。
现在我所面对的考验虽说不大,可是它们足以让我的信心动摇。 我承认,我拥有的信心是不足的,很容易就会灰心气馁。 我还记得,当我中四的时候, 我参与了领袖训练营,当中有一个项目让当时的负责人员认为我不够信心, 那就是走竹桥, 而且是只有两条竹绑成的桥, 旁边没有好握的, 相信大家对这个项目有熟悉感吧? 我不知花了多少时间才能闯过这关...虽说我参与国民服务后,信心有增, 可是还是会很容易气馁。 星期三会是我考汽车驾驶照的一天,前几个月,我在爬岭的一项失败了,因此迟迟都还没考到驾驶照。 今早,我去puspakom练习,师傅仍为我担心,因为我的转弯技术还未进步, 泊车时还是撞倒柱子,我真的不知该如何是好。 如果明年一月我还是失败的话, 我必须重头来过! 我才不要呢! 求主赐给我信心与勇气,好让我在这场考试上能够及格,我知道我的压力是存在的,我必须靠着主的力量,将这短短但难熬的考试做好, 也希望大家也为此事替我祷告...
六年前的平安夜,一只小狗诞生了...它只有三只脚, 而前面一只发育不完全,也就是说只有后面两只脚是能正常运作的。它的主人打算为它进行安乐死,连它的母亲也嫌弃残废的它。 然而,它的生命因它另外一名的主人而改变。 爱它的主人使它能够像人一样步行,就是用它的后脚行动,不知大家是否可以想象得到?它的主人就带着它四处进行激励讲座会,告诉人们,连残废的狗对自己都没有自暴自弃,反而出现奇迹!
二十年前,一名男婴出世了。 他的生日是在平安夜, 虽然小时候因为某种原因而信主, 并且使家庭成员一个一个渐渐信主, 但是年少的他和黑社会交朋友。 不过,他并没有做了伤天害理的事,在学校并没有闯出很大的祸,可说是问题学生中最少问题的学生。 他这样的人际关系令身边的人对他有负面的印象,感谢主,之后的他渐渐得在教会越来越活跃,并且发掘了他有音乐才华,使他无须为自己不是读书的料而感到自卑。 虽然现在的他已经在社会工作,可是因为上帝的奇妙安排,好让他的家庭因他是第一位信主而渐渐成为基督化家庭,并且也在教会事奉; 原本有可能成为黑社会一份子的他, 却因上帝赐的福而激发了他的音乐细胞, 并且也帮忙培育了更多少年人在赞美小组参与乐器演奏的事奉。
第二个见证是没有令人觉得...不知怎么形容,可是对我来说,上帝对他和他的家人的奇妙安排,让我相信上帝的存在,并且在他那里可得丰盛!总之,对自己要有信心, 不要害怕面对前面的考验,上帝是与我们同在的,凡靠它的力量, 凡是都能做!
2008年12月10日 星期三
2008年12月8日 星期一
Fantasy Short Trip in Damai Beach
Hello there! Again I am back from Kuching, but this time I am back from Damai Beach. Sorry about the wrong date which I had mentioned in the previous blog. My trip finished on 7th December, not on 8th December and Andrew still asking me what time I will be back today...Oh gosh! What a clumsy guy he is...
Actually the place my dad works had organized Family Day, and they had organized mini sport and dinner at Damai Beach Resort. Besides, we had also went to visit Matang Wildlife Centre. It was only 3 days 2 nights trip, what do you expect for? But finally I went to Damai Beach, this made me felt happy and lucky...

You see, what a beautiful beach is that? The sand is clean and the wave is not that strong as I had seen before in Bintulu or Miri. Finally I could have a walk there because finally I got the permission from my parents! Last time, I walked at Gerigat beach with friends without the permission from my parents. They never let us to go to this kind of place but I always did it silently....Sssh....

This one is one part of the resort. How I wish to swim in that pool but...I did not bring my swimming suit! Yes, I still a beginner in this sport, I just know how to float in the water, muahahaha! Who wants to follow to have a swim at the swimming pool in Sarikei? I sacrifice myself to let you to see my ugly body shape, alright? We have to wear swimming suit too, unlike the swimming pool in IPR...I always wear T-shirt and short pants, and that is the place where I learn to swim.

Beware of falling coconut fruits? What an interesting signboard...Indeed, there are coconut trees in the resort and there are chairs under these trees. These chairs are for the tourists to sit down and have a rest besides to enjoy the beauty of Damai beach.

I do not know what is the name of this tree, but I know this tree is so special that it is so high and the colour is so unusual.
Actually the place my dad works had organized Family Day, and they had organized mini sport and dinner at Damai Beach Resort. Besides, we had also went to visit Matang Wildlife Centre. It was only 3 days 2 nights trip, what do you expect for? But finally I went to Damai Beach, this made me felt happy and lucky...

You see, what a beautiful beach is that? The sand is clean and the wave is not that strong as I had seen before in Bintulu or Miri. Finally I could have a walk there because finally I got the permission from my parents! Last time, I walked at Gerigat beach with friends without the permission from my parents. They never let us to go to this kind of place but I always did it silently....Sssh....

This one is one part of the resort. How I wish to swim in that pool but...I did not bring my swimming suit! Yes, I still a beginner in this sport, I just know how to float in the water, muahahaha! Who wants to follow to have a swim at the swimming pool in Sarikei? I sacrifice myself to let you to see my ugly body shape, alright? We have to wear swimming suit too, unlike the swimming pool in IPR...I always wear T-shirt and short pants, and that is the place where I learn to swim.

Beware of falling coconut fruits? What an interesting signboard...Indeed, there are coconut trees in the resort and there are chairs under these trees. These chairs are for the tourists to sit down and have a rest besides to enjoy the beauty of Damai beach.

Here we are, in Matang Wildlife Centre!
~Promoted by two crazy sisters~
~Promoted by two crazy sisters~

I do not know what is the name of this tree, but I know this tree is so special that it is so high and the colour is so unusual.
Above: Husband
Below: Wife
Below: Wife
So sad that there are less flora and fauna in the Matang Wildlife Centre. I still remember, I had seen hornbill and others birds there but there are no more nowadays. But I still want to say, "Good job!" to the centre as they still maintain orang utans inside. We all know that orang utan is also one of the prohibited animals in our country.
Whatever, it is still a fantasy short trip for me. Take a chance to come to Damai beach if you have no idea on how to spend your long holiday. When am I becoming the promoter of Damai Beach Resort? However, bring much money as the expenses here is quite high too. =P
Whatever, it is still a fantasy short trip for me. Take a chance to come to Damai beach if you have no idea on how to spend your long holiday. When am I becoming the promoter of Damai Beach Resort? However, bring much money as the expenses here is quite high too. =P
2008年11月25日 星期二
Trip To Serian-Kuching With Friends
Hello there! It has been a week after I updated my blog. As I said before, I went for a vacation with my friends in Serian and Kuching for about 6 days. Actually, most of the time we just went for shopping as there are many shopping complex in Kuching such as Boulevard and Spring. However, thanks to Sin Yee's dad for becoming our driver and her family for letting us to stay there.
Although we spent a lot of time for shopping, we still spent our time to be closer to the beauty of nature. We went to Ranchan!

Look! I am stepping on the glass! There were flowers and fruits under the glasses.

Actually, we went to a shop which sells Christmas decoration in 3 miles. The decorations are very beautiful! But, I was a bit shy to share other photos here. You can view others in my album in Friendster.
Not only shopping, we were also having cooking "class" at Sin Yee's house! Actually, Sin Yee and her siblings are good cooks and they love to hang out in the kitchen. The bun below were made by Sin Yee's brother, I mean her BROTHER! Look delicious, isn't it? Haha...Although I was also in the kitchen that night, but I didn't learn much there. Yeah, I am not enough confident in bakery and cooking, and I prefer to be in the living room than in the kitchen. It doesn't mean that I do not know how to cook, it just...it is not my hobby. Can anyone to make me fall in love in cooking and bakery? I feel a bit embarrassed when I could not help in the kitchen.

That's all about our trip. Indeed, we had bought a lot of things, including clothes and shoes(Girls!), and also food. This time I would not show all the stuff I had bought there, I just want to say that I had use about RM 500 during this trip, unbelievable! And actually, there was an accident happened during this trip. Not car accident, OK? My eye was injured and swallen for a few days. My eye could not stand for bright light and hence, I bought a sun glasses. Now, my eye is OK but not yet fully recovered. Phew! Thanks God for this...
This trip...
I had discovered other streets and places in Kuching such as Kenyalang Park besides know more about Serian.
I had refreshed my memories about Kuching, especially Ranchan, I had been there four years ago with Prefect Board of my school.
Our friendship is getting better and we know more people.
I hope this will be a good trip for Siew Jing, as it was her first trip to Kuching...
Although we spent a lot of time for shopping, we still spent our time to be closer to the beauty of nature. We went to Ranchan!

Then, we had a swim here! The water was very cold but still, we played there. Really had a fun time, especially for Siew Jing who loves nature so much.
And, actually it is man-made lake. I like the hills there, there are hills in Serian.
By the way, I have no idea with this old ship...

I guess these can symbolized the Spring. Is it fully enough to prove that I had been in the Spring before? Haha..

I forgot where this shop is located. Is it in Boulevard or Spring? Whatever, it is a special shop as the clothes and designs there are all in black and white. Special , right?

688 in 4 miles, if I am not mistaken. These are not the decorations for Chinese New Year, but are for wedding! All things are red in colour!
Actually, I love nature too. Nature is the great creation by God, and it is so beautiful. However, it is also very powerful if we do not aware of it. Just like the lake below, if we do not be careful, we may fall down and drown inside the deep water. Sounds creepy, is it?

Remember what I told here just now? Most of the time, we went for shopping. And of course, we went to the Spring! But what our friends say are true, the things there are very expensive. However, it just newly opened last year, just have a look there.

I guess these can symbolized the Spring. Is it fully enough to prove that I had been in the Spring before? Haha..

I forgot where this shop is located. Is it in Boulevard or Spring? Whatever, it is a special shop as the clothes and designs there are all in black and white. Special , right?
We were not only shopping in Boulevard and Spring, we were also having a look in such interesting shops:

688 in 4 miles, if I am not mistaken. These are not the decorations for Chinese New Year, but are for wedding! All things are red in colour!

Look! I am stepping on the glass! There were flowers and fruits under the glasses.

Actually, we went to a shop which sells Christmas decoration in 3 miles. The decorations are very beautiful! But, I was a bit shy to share other photos here. You can view others in my album in Friendster.
Not only shopping, we were also having cooking "class" at Sin Yee's house! Actually, Sin Yee and her siblings are good cooks and they love to hang out in the kitchen. The bun below were made by Sin Yee's brother, I mean her BROTHER! Look delicious, isn't it? Haha...Although I was also in the kitchen that night, but I didn't learn much there. Yeah, I am not enough confident in bakery and cooking, and I prefer to be in the living room than in the kitchen. It doesn't mean that I do not know how to cook, it just...it is not my hobby. Can anyone to make me fall in love in cooking and bakery? I feel a bit embarrassed when I could not help in the kitchen.

That's all about our trip. Indeed, we had bought a lot of things, including clothes and shoes(Girls!), and also food. This time I would not show all the stuff I had bought there, I just want to say that I had use about RM 500 during this trip, unbelievable! And actually, there was an accident happened during this trip. Not car accident, OK? My eye was injured and swallen for a few days. My eye could not stand for bright light and hence, I bought a sun glasses. Now, my eye is OK but not yet fully recovered. Phew! Thanks God for this...
This trip...
I had discovered other streets and places in Kuching such as Kenyalang Park besides know more about Serian.
I had refreshed my memories about Kuching, especially Ranchan, I had been there four years ago with Prefect Board of my school.
Our friendship is getting better and we know more people.
I hope this will be a good trip for Siew Jing, as it was her first trip to Kuching...
2008年11月18日 星期二
About Archery...
As I told you before, I had joined activities on archery this few days, these include the state judge training course and the archery competition. Of course, we had a lot of photos to take as we were too "boring" and too "free", hahaha...(actually we like to become a "digital cam stars, hehehe...)
Hence, let the photos talk to you all...
While waiting for the course to begin, someone starts to have photos...

The banner outside the venue
This is the advance bow
The front view of Dewan Sukan...please ignore that two little guy, hehehe...
During official pratice...look at their bows, very heavy you know?
And these are our bows, really a big difference, right?

Competition against Novice Men begin!

Judges to do their work...I did not want to become a judge, it is a bit risky.
Finally novice had finished! Girl's team got 3rd place, guys is 2nd place and we had our top 5 female ancher and top 3 male ancher!

All anchers
Our Big Brother had his rank on the 3rd place, so he brought us to have supper in KFC, haha!
It is surprising that my team will get Rank 3 in team ranking! About boys, I never doubt about that, they sure will be in Rank 1-3, and they got Rank 2! That means, we will have our prize tomorrow! But, so sad I will leave Sarikei tomorrow afternoon as the closing ceremony will be held in the afternoon. I'm going to have a vacation to Serian-Kuching with my fellow friends tomorrow, until 25 November. Looks like we can't have our photos on having our prizes...I feel a bit sad but the bus tickets were already booked, I can't change the time...
Looking forward on the trip...pray for our trip, thanks...
Hence, let the photos talk to you all...
The banner outside the venue

Competition against Novice Men begin!
Judges to do their work...I did not want to become a judge, it is a bit risky.

All anchers
Looking forward on the trip...pray for our trip, thanks...
2008年11月14日 星期五
Happy Holiday
Finally, I finished my FIRST semester! Although I still not sure whether I can pass my exam or not, and maybe I have to re-sit the exam next semester, but...whatever, I want to full use my holiday, to enjoy myself and also to gain more experience, more new and more special experience.
Wanna hear my plan for this holiday? Hahahaha...
15-16 Nov--- State Judge Training Course for Archery Competition
17-19 Nov--- 4th Indoor Sarawak Archery Competition
19-25 Nov--- Vacation to Serian-Kuching with friends
29 --- Dinner with Andrew's family in Sibu
5-8 Dec --- Vacation to Damai Beach with family
26-29 Dec --- Camp in Lundu with church member (maybe)
Looks like I will be busy soon...but I need to study, to prepare myself for next year. I know, I could not do well in my examination. For my English, I did wrongly in my essay! I did not look the question cleary and I answered it wrongly! This was the most terrible I ever had...I can only do well in English but now I already ruined it...Oh gosh!My Chinese...I am not sure whether I can pass this subject or not...
Haiz...I do not want to think more now. I will have activities for archery this few days. Yeah, I join Archery Club in the college and I was selected to join the competition. Just novice category only, and I could not do well. I guess I am the worst one among my team, how can I participate in this competition?
Haiz...don't want to think too much...just gain a different experience, try my best!
Wanna hear my plan for this holiday? Hahahaha...
15-16 Nov--- State Judge Training Course for Archery Competition
17-19 Nov--- 4th Indoor Sarawak Archery Competition
19-25 Nov--- Vacation to Serian-Kuching with friends
29 --- Dinner with Andrew's family in Sibu
5-8 Dec --- Vacation to Damai Beach with family
26-29 Dec --- Camp in Lundu with church member (maybe)
Looks like I will be busy soon...but I need to study, to prepare myself for next year. I know, I could not do well in my examination. For my English, I did wrongly in my essay! I did not look the question cleary and I answered it wrongly! This was the most terrible I ever had...I can only do well in English but now I already ruined it...Oh gosh!My Chinese...I am not sure whether I can pass this subject or not...
Haiz...I do not want to think more now. I will have activities for archery this few days. Yeah, I join Archery Club in the college and I was selected to join the competition. Just novice category only, and I could not do well. I guess I am the worst one among my team, how can I participate in this competition?
Haiz...don't want to think too much...just gain a different experience, try my best!
2008年10月31日 星期五
2008年10月25日 星期六
Nam Leong...Grand Opening
Tatatata...Nam Leong is opened today! Located at Jalan Masjid Lama, Sarikei, I can assume this supermarket as the best supermarket in Sarikei...It's true, believe me! Although it looks a bit smaller...
As it is the 1st day, sure there was offer. You see, there were crowd at the counter there! I had already 'stucked' at the stair case when I took this shot. If you are Sarikian, sure you won't believe that this picture was taken in one of the supermarket in Sarikei. Am I right?
We had already trapped at the stair case. You can imagine how were we trying to go upstairs before passing through the crowd?
The 2nd floor of Nam Leong Supermarket. The simple but a bit elegant inner design, isn't it, Jing Jing? Haha, I know, this could not be compared with other supermarket in Sibu, Kuching or even KL, but this is really the best design I ever seen in the supermarket of Sarikei.
Lady department in 1st floor. You can have a try to find some formal blouse which is suitable for working lady. And also for man, my dad felt very happy to see there are good quality shirt for him. He felt relief that he does not need to go to Sibu to buy those clothes. Haha...

However, I could not find a suitable dress for the annual dinner next month. It can be Malay traditional costume, but I want a trendy one. I guess whole classes want the trendy night gown, I guess. So sad, I could not find any in Sarikei, including this supermarket...As long as the dress is longer than my knee, that is enough. I can use coat, so it is OK to find a sleeveless dress. Can anyone have suggestion? Better it could be found in Sibu...
Back to the topic...I am glad for Nam Leong, they did their good job today. I wish that they could always have a good bussiness...Come to Nam Leong when you visit to Sarikei, and also for those Sarikian who are outside Sarikei, please come when you back to your hometown...When was I becoming the promoter? I even did not have any commission...

However, I could not find a suitable dress for the annual dinner next month. It can be Malay traditional costume, but I want a trendy one. I guess whole classes want the trendy night gown, I guess. So sad, I could not find any in Sarikei, including this supermarket...As long as the dress is longer than my knee, that is enough. I can use coat, so it is OK to find a sleeveless dress. Can anyone have suggestion? Better it could be found in Sibu...
Back to the topic...I am glad for Nam Leong, they did their good job today. I wish that they could always have a good bussiness...Come to Nam Leong when you visit to Sarikei, and also for those Sarikian who are outside Sarikei, please come when you back to your hometown...When was I becoming the promoter? I even did not have any commission...
2008年10月24日 星期五
Crazy With HSM 3!

I am totally one of the fans of High School Musical! And today, High School Musical 3 (HSM 3) : Senior Year has been released in Malaysia! I had been waited for this moment for a long time...Can't wait to watch it! Who would like to bring me to the cinema?
I can't wait to watch the movie! I can't wait to listen to those wonderful songs! There are new 14 songs in this movie, and "We're All In This Together" which was released in HSM 2 has been presented in graduation version, I had listen a bit and I love all these songs! Now, I am waiting to watch the dance, know its story...Oooh~
Now I am looking more information on HSM 3, I just wish I can go to Sibu and watch the movie now, oooh~

I love this couple! And I hope their relationship in the real world will also long lasting...
Just can't wait~
2008年10月18日 星期六
昨天,我们亲爱的两位代课讲师终于要完成他们的任务了。 由于明年他们不会教我们了, 我们特别为他们做了一些小小的东西。照片是有的,只是还没拿到手,我就先以文字来与大家分享吧!

谢谢你这段时间的教导,就像您说的,我们能相逢见面,成为师生,是上帝的安排,您是我们每一位学员的生活的其中一个过客。 可是,您将是其中一个重要的客人,因为您带领我们踏进《西游记》的世界,虽然您未能一直陪伴我们走完这个世界,就必须先下车,可是我们会深深记得。 当然也少不了中国文化,因为也是您指导的。 说实话,老师的长相不错,想必已经有了女朋友吧!有啦,哈哈...我根本不确定老师您会在网上流浪到这里来吗,哈哈!老师的教导有风趣,轻易的让我们开始也跟随着老师, 我也知道班长他甚至都可以成为您的朋友了! 还记得有一天晚上,我在新友谊经过,看见老师您在那里,虽然不知道为什么你看着我看了这么久,但是当我和您点头打招呼时,老师回应了。 老师不会是在等我打招呼吧?
老师在昨天还买了榴莲和橄榄给我们吃, 您还用钥匙把榴莲“撬开”,由我们来帮忙掰开其他榴莲及收拾那长满了刺的榴莲壳,真的是谢谢老师的好意! 我...只能说,愿神赐福予您, 有缘大家再见! 老师昨天还在班上将我们的名字念完,真佩服老师都还能记得我们这37位同学的名字,虽然不知老师是否在之前曾经复习,可是还真是谢谢老师您的一番苦心!说实话,还真的有点舍不得...

老师的名字其实是耳熟的,因为您是某中学的副校长,老师您的女儿可曾经是我妹的乒乓对手啊! 老师您有一把好嗓子,有时在班上教书时,会插一小段的歌唱呢! 虽然老师有时会像池老师那样说冷笑话, 然后我常常在老师的节上睡着,可是还是要感谢老师辛苦的教导。 老师带领我们漫游中国的历史,透过中国通史去了解中国, 虽然昨天匆匆地结束了旅程。 虽然我的语音并非完全改善, 可是我会改进的。
就在同学们播放他们为两位老师所特制的短片, 这小小的意思就结束了。 他为我的记忆里添加了新的甜美回忆,想必也为两位讲师留下特别的影响吧!两位老师在师范成为代课讲师, 学员们为老师准备了这些特别的小礼物,而照片们会及时上载的...

老师带来的榴莲,在外的你们, 是否想念家乡那香喷喷的榴莲呢? 哈哈...

(updated on 11.46 pm, 24 Oct 2008)

谢谢你这段时间的教导,就像您说的,我们能相逢见面,成为师生,是上帝的安排,您是我们每一位学员的生活的其中一个过客。 可是,您将是其中一个重要的客人,因为您带领我们踏进《西游记》的世界,虽然您未能一直陪伴我们走完这个世界,就必须先下车,可是我们会深深记得。 当然也少不了中国文化,因为也是您指导的。 说实话,老师的长相不错,想必已经有了女朋友吧!有啦,哈哈...我根本不确定老师您会在网上流浪到这里来吗,哈哈!老师的教导有风趣,轻易的让我们开始也跟随着老师, 我也知道班长他甚至都可以成为您的朋友了! 还记得有一天晚上,我在新友谊经过,看见老师您在那里,虽然不知道为什么你看着我看了这么久,但是当我和您点头打招呼时,老师回应了。 老师不会是在等我打招呼吧?
老师在昨天还买了榴莲和橄榄给我们吃, 您还用钥匙把榴莲“撬开”,由我们来帮忙掰开其他榴莲及收拾那长满了刺的榴莲壳,真的是谢谢老师的好意! 我...只能说,愿神赐福予您, 有缘大家再见! 老师昨天还在班上将我们的名字念完,真佩服老师都还能记得我们这37位同学的名字,虽然不知老师是否在之前曾经复习,可是还真是谢谢老师您的一番苦心!说实话,还真的有点舍不得...

老师的名字其实是耳熟的,因为您是某中学的副校长,老师您的女儿可曾经是我妹的乒乓对手啊! 老师您有一把好嗓子,有时在班上教书时,会插一小段的歌唱呢! 虽然老师有时会像池老师那样说冷笑话, 然后我常常在老师的节上睡着,可是还是要感谢老师辛苦的教导。 老师带领我们漫游中国的历史,透过中国通史去了解中国, 虽然昨天匆匆地结束了旅程。 虽然我的语音并非完全改善, 可是我会改进的。
就在同学们播放他们为两位老师所特制的短片, 这小小的意思就结束了。 他为我的记忆里添加了新的甜美回忆,想必也为两位讲师留下特别的影响吧!两位老师在师范成为代课讲师, 学员们为老师准备了这些特别的小礼物,而照片们会及时上载的...
老师带来的榴莲,在外的你们, 是否想念家乡那香喷喷的榴莲呢? 哈哈...
(updated on 11.46 pm, 24 Oct 2008)
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