It is the 5th day of Chinese New Year today. Time flew fast, I will be back to IPR after two days! I hate the happy hour will finish in a short time, but this is what we call "LIFE", not "LIVE", OK? We always feel the happy moment will past away in a short time, but actually God is fair to everyone as He gives everyone 24 hours per day, the important point is how do you use these hours.
Whatever, I had spent fun, tired and crazy 4 days of Chinese New Year!
1st Day
Andrew and I wore the same colour of cloth, RED! Not only me, a lot of people wore red and purple colour this day. This can been seen in the church. We started our visiting at 12.30 noon and poor Andrew became my driver. I could not drive a car well, not even on tar road, how could I drive 0n a village road with mud and stones? 7 people with two Perodua cars--Myyi and Kancil started our visitng! Unbelievable, we spent 12 hours to 12 houses which is belonged to our ex-classmates' houses and our teachers' houses! Of course the numbers of people will be less, from 7 people to 4 people. I arrived home at midnight 12.30a.m., another record I have during this Ox Year!
2nd Day
This is the day my family visit relatives. We gathered at 3rd auntie's house, and I guess there were 4 cars involved in these visiting. Sweet memory appear on my mind, when we were shaking our hands to the cousins who were inside another is our childhood during Chinese New Year. Uncles and aunties chit-chat about their latest life, my 6th auntie asked me whether got other people admire me or not in IPR...What the....Why would she ask me such this question?! I answered no, actually I don't know...=P
3rd Day
Begin my visiting in Bintangor! I followed Andrew to go visiting, who knows one of our friends had a problem with her brand new Myyi. Her car's side mirror was spoilt because it was knocked down by a teen girl. It happened previous day. The girl's father did not want to pay at first but in the end, he paid RM 200 only which is not enough to repair the damage.The friend asked Andrew for help as he is a mechanic. Thus, we were busy for a whole morning to deal with this. Meanwhile, my sister had her own visiting with her ex-classmates in Bintangor too. I guess this will be a sweet memory for her.
At night, I attended my cousin's wedding dinner. Who knows I met my ex-collegue there? We had been worked together as part-time cashier in Friendly Supermarket before. He is my new sister-in-law's brother! Oh gosh, what a small world of Sarikei...
4th day
I had another gang to go visiting this day, with MYF friends. I do not know how many houses we had been visited, but I am sure there was almost 30 people in a group. My house does not enough for them! You can say houses in Meranti Road is small which is not enough for 30 people, I mean for terrance houses. Started from 8.30a.m. until 4p.m., tired but at least our relationship becomes closer. I drank a bit red wine with volume 9.5% of alcohol and I felt dizzy. My friends said my face became red, luckily I was not drunk yet. But at least I drank a few times of red wine, unlike the first time I drank red wine of 15% alcohol, I felt dizzy straight away after one time I drank it, only ONCE! Until now, I still not sure whether I can drink beer and wine or not because I always drink Shandy only, my parents would not allowed us to drink others. So, I still do not know how will I if I drink Tiger, Oranjeboom...
Another gathering dinner to be held in my 2nd auntie's house at night, I really want to shout loudly,"Why is Sarikei so small?!" I met my old friend there, and we found out that both of us have the same cousin! 他是我表妹的堂哥, I am her mother's relative, he is her father's relative. Wow...
We enjoyed the night although the pork is not very tasty, uncles and aunties chit chat happily, the teen group has organized "Persatuan Wanita" which our cousin boy became the chairman, as chairMAN must be a man =.= Actually we became crazy already, Hahaha! The children group had another world to have in a room, where there were toys to play.
As a whole, I go to sleep earlier every night. My breakfast, lunch and dinner time became messy because of the visiting. I do not do my homework...hehe
However, these visiting is held once in a year, I do not care much!
Wish you all Happy Chinese New Year again!
2009年1月30日 星期五
2009年1月25日 星期日
Happy Ox Year 2009!
Ox Year is coming soon!
However, I do not feel much Chinese New Year atmosphere this year. Maybe because we do not really celebrate Chinese New Year this year, my grandma has died for less than 1 year.
So, we do not decorate our house, we do not play fire crackers. We just listen to Chinese New Year songs, shopping for new clothes and food, and visit relatives' and friends' house. But I do not think that is the main reason. The main reason will be most of my relatives are not coming back since this year, I guess this may long lasting until I married and have a family. That time, I will be back to my family's house and my husband's hometown. I will be act like my parents...
I really want to feel excited to celebrate this merry festival but knowing my relatives are not coming back, I could not help myself to get excited. There are friends who do not come back because they could not book cheaper air ticket. Just now I got a news that my friend's grandpa has injured and is admitted in the hospital in Sibu. That means I cannot eat her home make peppermint chocolate cake this year~~

Maybe this picture will help me to get excited. Little red tanglungs around at the street of Everwin.
We went shopping at Everwin yesterday. There were still crowd and there was traffic jam last night. Sarikei always get crowded before Chinese New Year where there are people who comes back besides those Sarikian who prepare to celebrate this festival.
Hopefully it will be a good Chinese New Year this year, I do not hope for better, I just wish to enjoy Ox Year...
Happy Chinese 牛 Year!
However, I do not feel much Chinese New Year atmosphere this year. Maybe because we do not really celebrate Chinese New Year this year, my grandma has died for less than 1 year.
So, we do not decorate our house, we do not play fire crackers. We just listen to Chinese New Year songs, shopping for new clothes and food, and visit relatives' and friends' house. But I do not think that is the main reason. The main reason will be most of my relatives are not coming back since this year, I guess this may long lasting until I married and have a family. That time, I will be back to my family's house and my husband's hometown. I will be act like my parents...
I really want to feel excited to celebrate this merry festival but knowing my relatives are not coming back, I could not help myself to get excited. There are friends who do not come back because they could not book cheaper air ticket. Just now I got a news that my friend's grandpa has injured and is admitted in the hospital in Sibu. That means I cannot eat her home make peppermint chocolate cake this year~~

Maybe this picture will help me to get excited. Little red tanglungs around at the street of Everwin.

Hopefully it will be a good Chinese New Year this year, I do not hope for better, I just wish to enjoy Ox Year...
Happy Chinese 牛 Year!
2009年1月21日 星期三
原来, 领袖是这么难做。
原来, 领袖是要有坚定的立场, 并且要有坚定的性格。
其实我已经做好决定,可是因为我听了大家的意见, 我改变我的决定。
其实, 改变后的决定, 不是最好的...
老师将权利交给我, 由我来分组。 原本我是用抽签方式的, 可是我知道大家不喜欢如此的决定。 两班时间的不配搭, 以及其他的种种原因, 使有一些人不愿意和别班合作。我知道大家的忧虑与担忧, 我了解,我自己也是会面对同样的问题, 可是这是为了大家的前途着想啊!有一天, 我们会踏入社会工作, 若你的上司要你和你不喜欢的人合作, 怎么办? 不做罢了? 不可能啊, 对吗?这是星期三中午发生的事情...
星期三晚上,我竟然跌了一跤, 扭伤了大脚趾,在学院里成为两天的跛子。为什么我这么不小心?谁叫我这么心急,急着讲电话, 没看好九勾到extension wire,狠狠地摔下去, 大拇指就这样受伤了。
星期五晚上, 我找了铁打师, 大脚趾的骨头是有点脱臼,却拉伤了筋,而且是挺严重的, 幸好只是包扎两天, 正月初一, 我可以去拜年咯!
这段期间, 上帝更是赐我很多福份。 在我面临领导能力的问题时, 身边的朋友都在旁支持我,给我安慰和劝导, 讲师也愿意听我的倾诉, 虽然我打扰了她。 在我成为短暂的跛子时, 许多朋友帮了我许多忙, 也说了好几句关心的话, 真的是太感谢你们了! 我知道有些朋友有浏览到这里来, 所以,我在这里向要对大家说声, 真的是谢谢你们了!
最后,之前的问题总算被解决了,大家无需为我担心,上帝时时刻刻都在我身边,他总是在我面临困难时帮忙我, 我需要大家的继续祷告, 好让我在欢庆这个充满喜乐的节日之际, 能够继续坚强面对未知的挑战,包括痊愈的速度, 哈哈!
很喜欢AI FM最新的新年歌, 《回家,过年》 , 相信大家肯定很熟悉,要留意AI FM哦!哈哈...
作曲 / 编曲:Alex San
演唱:爱FM DJ(国俊、理强、佳文、吉安、晓芬、碧枝、敏明 )、满江浤
一年又一年 这座城市的喧哗
谁还在欢唱 谁不再反抗
一站又一站 站在自己的车站
一面都是墙 一退就是让
一年又一年 这座城市换红衫
谁还在欢唱 谁不再反抗
一代又一代 先贤锣鼓走过来
家在土里长 国在心里放
你来自北方 我来自南方
你不是寄居 我不是流浪
你身在异乡 我心在家乡
过年已过了三代 上一代靠岸 下一代上岸
(updated on 24/1/2009)
原来, 领袖是要有坚定的立场, 并且要有坚定的性格。
其实我已经做好决定,可是因为我听了大家的意见, 我改变我的决定。
其实, 改变后的决定, 不是最好的...
老师将权利交给我, 由我来分组。 原本我是用抽签方式的, 可是我知道大家不喜欢如此的决定。 两班时间的不配搭, 以及其他的种种原因, 使有一些人不愿意和别班合作。我知道大家的忧虑与担忧, 我了解,我自己也是会面对同样的问题, 可是这是为了大家的前途着想啊!有一天, 我们会踏入社会工作, 若你的上司要你和你不喜欢的人合作, 怎么办? 不做罢了? 不可能啊, 对吗?这是星期三中午发生的事情...
星期三晚上,我竟然跌了一跤, 扭伤了大脚趾,在学院里成为两天的跛子。为什么我这么不小心?谁叫我这么心急,急着讲电话, 没看好九勾到extension wire,狠狠地摔下去, 大拇指就这样受伤了。

这段期间, 上帝更是赐我很多福份。 在我面临领导能力的问题时, 身边的朋友都在旁支持我,给我安慰和劝导, 讲师也愿意听我的倾诉, 虽然我打扰了她。 在我成为短暂的跛子时, 许多朋友帮了我许多忙, 也说了好几句关心的话, 真的是太感谢你们了! 我知道有些朋友有浏览到这里来, 所以,我在这里向要对大家说声, 真的是谢谢你们了!
最后,之前的问题总算被解决了,大家无需为我担心,上帝时时刻刻都在我身边,他总是在我面临困难时帮忙我, 我需要大家的继续祷告, 好让我在欢庆这个充满喜乐的节日之际, 能够继续坚强面对未知的挑战,包括痊愈的速度, 哈哈!
很喜欢AI FM最新的新年歌, 《回家,过年》 , 相信大家肯定很熟悉,要留意AI FM哦!哈哈...
作曲 / 编曲:Alex San
演唱:爱FM DJ(国俊、理强、佳文、吉安、晓芬、碧枝、敏明 )、满江浤
一年又一年 这座城市的喧哗
谁还在欢唱 谁不再反抗
一站又一站 站在自己的车站
一面都是墙 一退就是让
一年又一年 这座城市换红衫
谁还在欢唱 谁不再反抗
一代又一代 先贤锣鼓走过来
家在土里长 国在心里放
你来自北方 我来自南方
你不是寄居 我不是流浪
你身在异乡 我心在家乡
过年已过了三代 上一代靠岸 下一代上岸
(updated on 24/1/2009)
2009年1月10日 星期六
Flood again~~
Meranti Road always get flood during the high tide, especially the days between day 15 until day 17, some of the houses which are located at the lower place, their car park always get flood, such as my uncle house. They need to wash their car park after the high tide has gone. For those who drive car and motorcycle, you have to wash your vehicles especially the underneath. For those who walk on foot, you must wash your leg, your foot and your selipar. WHY? Because...this water is dirty and it is salty. Your vehicle may get spoilt because of this...but if your car is Hilux or Pajero, that is OK.

Opposite my house

Opposite my house
It happens especially at the end of the year and at the begining of the year. I still remember, I had to walk on foot to my friend's house in Meranti Road also for MYF gathering because of the flood. Teck Meng's house for some who know him. Ah Ho and I walked together to his house and the water was quite high.
And other one, we had a parade carolling last two years. We paraded across Meranti Road too. There was flood too due to the high tide. The big flood in Sibu just finihed that time. We said that Meranti Road is the "Sibu" of Sarikei! always flood here. Do anyone can tell me, is there any place get flood because of the high tide in Sarikei besides Meranti Road?
It is always raining season at the beginning of the year. This weather not only will cause the flood get worse, it will cause...our clothes to get dry slower! I do not have enough cloth in the locker of my hostel there...What should I wear there??
Never mind, God will be with us everytime, everywhere. Next week I could not back to Sarikei because I have a kelas ganti next Saturday. However, I am luckier than my seniors. They transfer to IPS in Miri! I wonder where will I be next year...
And other one, we had a parade carolling last two years. We paraded across Meranti Road too. There was flood too due to the high tide. The big flood in Sibu just finihed that time. We said that Meranti Road is the "Sibu" of Sarikei! always flood here. Do anyone can tell me, is there any place get flood because of the high tide in Sarikei besides Meranti Road?
It is always raining season at the beginning of the year. This weather not only will cause the flood get worse, it will cause...our clothes to get dry slower! I do not have enough cloth in the locker of my hostel there...What should I wear there??
Never mind, God will be with us everytime, everywhere. Next week I could not back to Sarikei because I have a kelas ganti next Saturday. However, I am luckier than my seniors. They transfer to IPS in Miri! I wonder where will I be next year...
2009年1月7日 星期三
New Semester Begins
Hello there! Again I back to IPR and start my 2nd semester. It will be a tough semester for me as I hold an important post, that is to become my class monitor. My job is to find lecturer if he or she is late and also to find lecturers to fill up the empty hour. WHY? If we do not finish our credit hour, we could not go to sit for exam. There is 150 hours for Chinese only! Moreover, there are other subjects we need to take too. So, we do not have any fix timetable and fix place to study. Sometimes we go to Panggung Syarahan, sometimes we go to other class(As we have combined Chinese class with Chinese group) and sometimes we have class at the field or gymansium(We take Physical Education this semester, it is compulsory).
Yeah, it is quite tired to walk here and there. My right foot is injured because of wearing new shoes. I always feel less confident to become a monitor. Sometimes I do not know which lecturer I should find to take the empty hour. Indeed, we hope to finish the credit hour fast but it will be tired for us. Besides, our Chineses teacher has n0t coming back yet and we do not have our temporarily teachers from outside yet. We may start our Chinese class in the end of January(is that Chinese New Year that time? Start not to have mood to study =P)
About exam? Thanks God, I passed! The CGPA is 3.25! Wow...But it is because of the help of compulsory subjects such as Basic Mathematics and so on. I score quite well in these subjects, not in academic subjects(which we need to sit for exam). Thus, I have to work harder in this semester, to score better grades in acedemic subjects, that is my Chinese, Mathematics and English.
I have something interesting to share here...

6 0f 8 trainees who have involved in 华乐
Surprise! We will perform during Pesta Angpau this February and we practice this few days. There is only one who knows about this and she becomes our coach. Is she inside this photos? No, she became our photographer. You will know her, sure you have the chance...
Another things want to share with you...

Nasi Goreng Biasa in cafeteria of IPR
Yeah, it is quite tired to walk here and there. My right foot is injured because of wearing new shoes. I always feel less confident to become a monitor. Sometimes I do not know which lecturer I should find to take the empty hour. Indeed, we hope to finish the credit hour fast but it will be tired for us. Besides, our Chineses teacher has n0t coming back yet and we do not have our temporarily teachers from outside yet. We may start our Chinese class in the end of January(is that Chinese New Year that time? Start not to have mood to study =P)
About exam? Thanks God, I passed! The CGPA is 3.25! Wow...But it is because of the help of compulsory subjects such as Basic Mathematics and so on. I score quite well in these subjects, not in academic subjects(which we need to sit for exam). Thus, I have to work harder in this semester, to score better grades in acedemic subjects, that is my Chinese, Mathematics and English.
I have something interesting to share here...
6 0f 8 trainees who have involved in 华乐
Surprise! We will perform during Pesta Angpau this February and we practice this few days. There is only one who knows about this and she becomes our coach. Is she inside this photos? No, she became our photographer. You will know her, sure you have the chance...
Another things want to share with you...

Nasi Goreng Biasa in cafeteria of IPR
Can you believe it? It does not look like this last year...The owner of the cafeteria has changed this year. It is a bit....not good if you have lunch there, but burgers and other food are sold! The important is the food is delicious! Their bussiness becomes much better than before. I can smell the wonderful smell now...I am in the cafeteria now, there is the only place where we can get the greatest wireless connection.
Seems like there are new things in IPR as the new semester begins. Hopefully this will be a good semester to have althoug it is harder than the last semester. Pray for me, okay?
Seems like there are new things in IPR as the new semester begins. Hopefully this will be a good semester to have althoug it is harder than the last semester. Pray for me, okay?
2009年1月3日 星期六
明天, 我就要回到学院迎接新学期。 虽然说, IPR 离我家很近, 可是我仿佛是在外地升学的海外生(我还记得传道说我是河内生,只因我没飞越南中国海,顶多只是经过让拉江=.=)
才发现, 原来有这么多朋友是有加入部落格这一圈的, 而且大多数都是SPM刚考完的, 或许大家因为放长假, 在家没事做, 就这样加入这一行(怎么把部落格说到像是一份职业来的?)或许读完了大家的部落格, 连我今天的手法跟他们相似,连自己都觉得怪。算啦, 未来的华文教师, 我今天暂时放下这个责任, 不管什么语法或手法了!
读读大家的部落格, 发现大家都藉着部落格来发表自己的内心感受,和朋友们分享自己的生活, 自己何尝不是呢?我也是在中五毕业后开始我的部落格生涯, 第一家就在Friendster,因为嫌那里的功能不多样化, 就搬到这里来。其实我本身也曾经试用无名的, 可是觉得它不符合我, 所以就甩掉它了。 现在我却一脚踏两船, 在Wordpress开了一家,不过是不同的功能的, 那里有我的文字创作,我的第一篇短篇小说还在连载当中,就此大家去按 “小琼的方块字天堂” 读一读,更期盼大家的意见哦!现在连青年团契也加入部落格之行, 由于包含隐私权, 若大家向浏览此网页, 你可以PM我,但条件是你是新怀仁堂青团的契友之一哦!
到现在为止, 我还在探索,为什么我的部落格这么不受欢迎?我得到的评语不是很多, 是不是因为内容不吸引,还是我缺乏部落格的朋友?还是所认识我的人却不知道我的部落格网址?我已经在Friendster和MSN上大大宣传啊!可能也是因为设计缺乏吸引力?本人目前还在学习当中...
总之,这 “一则关于生活和梦想的故事” 已经记录了2007年的最后三个月, 还有陪伴我走过2008年, 希望2009年的部落格有更精彩的故事哦!
才发现, 原来有这么多朋友是有加入部落格这一圈的, 而且大多数都是SPM刚考完的, 或许大家因为放长假, 在家没事做, 就这样加入这一行(怎么把部落格说到像是一份职业来的?)或许读完了大家的部落格, 连我今天的手法跟他们相似,连自己都觉得怪。算啦, 未来的华文教师, 我今天暂时放下这个责任, 不管什么语法或手法了!
读读大家的部落格, 发现大家都藉着部落格来发表自己的内心感受,和朋友们分享自己的生活, 自己何尝不是呢?我也是在中五毕业后开始我的部落格生涯, 第一家就在Friendster,因为嫌那里的功能不多样化, 就搬到这里来。其实我本身也曾经试用无名的, 可是觉得它不符合我, 所以就甩掉它了。 现在我却一脚踏两船, 在Wordpress开了一家,不过是不同的功能的, 那里有我的文字创作,我的第一篇短篇小说还在连载当中,就此大家去按 “小琼的方块字天堂” 读一读,更期盼大家的意见哦!现在连青年团契也加入部落格之行, 由于包含隐私权, 若大家向浏览此网页, 你可以PM我,但条件是你是新怀仁堂青团的契友之一哦!
到现在为止, 我还在探索,为什么我的部落格这么不受欢迎?我得到的评语不是很多, 是不是因为内容不吸引,还是我缺乏部落格的朋友?还是所认识我的人却不知道我的部落格网址?我已经在Friendster和MSN上大大宣传啊!可能也是因为设计缺乏吸引力?本人目前还在学习当中...
总之,这 “一则关于生活和梦想的故事” 已经记录了2007年的最后三个月, 还有陪伴我走过2008年, 希望2009年的部落格有更精彩的故事哦!
2009年1月1日 星期四
Conclusion of year 2008, Plans of year 2009
I had started my blog on October 2007, and I had already shared all my stories for whole year 2008 here. I guess for those who had read and follows my blog, you will know what I had been gone through. You will noticed that my year 2008 is:
From January until December, I had tried a lot of new things, I had faced a lot of new challenges. From I worked as a tuition teacher and part-time cashier, went to National Service, lost my beloved grandmother, got STPM result, frustrating of choosing my next station, had the 1st trip to Penisular Malaysia, further my study in IPR, learn to drive a car until I active again in the church, looks like I had been gone through a challenging and an exciting year in year 2008.
I had learnt a lot of new things, I had know a lot of new friends, I learn how to deal with interation among people, AND, the most important is, I Learn to Grow UP.
Hence, these will be my plan and resolution for year 2009:
Thanks God for giving me a meaningful year of year 2008...
May God's blessing will continue to be with you and me in year 2009...
Let God become our leader and our friend in the journey to go through year 2009...
- Interesting
- Challenging
- Exciting
From January until December, I had tried a lot of new things, I had faced a lot of new challenges. From I worked as a tuition teacher and part-time cashier, went to National Service, lost my beloved grandmother, got STPM result, frustrating of choosing my next station, had the 1st trip to Penisular Malaysia, further my study in IPR, learn to drive a car until I active again in the church, looks like I had been gone through a challenging and an exciting year in year 2008.
I had learnt a lot of new things, I had know a lot of new friends, I learn how to deal with interation among people, AND, the most important is, I Learn to Grow UP.
Hence, these will be my plan and resolution for year 2009:
- Be a good monitor as I will be the monitor next semester
- Be a good MYF commitee member as I am one of it this year
- Get chances to gain new knowledges no matter in study or others
- Be brave to try the things that I never done before
- Be more hardworking in improving the relationship between God and me
- Be more dedicate with my work no matter in IPR or others
- Be a better person, better Christian, better trainee, better daughter, better sister and better friend
Thanks God for giving me a meaningful year of year 2008...
May God's blessing will continue to be with you and me in year 2009...
Let God become our leader and our friend in the journey to go through year 2009...
Happy New Year 2009, Happy Birthday to ME!
Finally, year 2009 has come! Actually I want to have a post about memories of 2008, however I had shared my memories for whole year of 2008 here, so in the next post, I will make a conclusion and a new plan for this year, year 2009!
However, I had a great ending of year 2008, although there was a bit problem happened during this time. My MYF friends asked me to go out to celebrate our another friends whom birthday is on 31st December. I never thought that they will celebrate my birthday too!
Mei Zhen's and my birthday cake...I'm 20 now
One's birthday as a closing of a year, another is an opening of a year
However, I had a great ending of year 2008, although there was a bit problem happened during this time. My MYF friends asked me to go out to celebrate our another friends whom birthday is on 31st December. I never thought that they will celebrate my birthday too!
After the dinner, we had a ride in an Avanza car to go around Bintangor and Sarikei! Until 11.30p.m. I just arrived home, then I had a phone call with Andrew.
About the problem happened, actually is about him. I regret to tell him that I went to Bintangor because I did not know their plan in Bintangor. He kept asking me to follow him to have a ride bbut my friends wanted him to send me back. Impossible he could send me as my mum will mad of us. This made me felt...a bit angry and a bit unsatisfied. That's why we had a bit quarrel when we talked on phone. Finally it is settled just before the 12 o' clock came. How? He wished me happy new year and happy birthday. Then suddenly we chatted and chatted until just now. That's why I write this post late.
Thanks to my friends who celebrated our birthday....
Thanks to my friends who still remember my birthday and sent me wishes through messages (SMS lah!)...
Thanks to my friends who posted the birthday comment in Friendster...
Thanks to one friend because of singing birthday song to sweet you know...
About the problem happened, actually is about him. I regret to tell him that I went to Bintangor because I did not know their plan in Bintangor. He kept asking me to follow him to have a ride bbut my friends wanted him to send me back. Impossible he could send me as my mum will mad of us. This made me felt...a bit angry and a bit unsatisfied. That's why we had a bit quarrel when we talked on phone. Finally it is settled just before the 12 o' clock came. How? He wished me happy new year and happy birthday. Then suddenly we chatted and chatted until just now. That's why I write this post late.
Thanks to my friends who celebrated our birthday....
Thanks to my friends who still remember my birthday and sent me wishes through messages (SMS lah!)...
Thanks to my friends who posted the birthday comment in Friendster...
Thanks to one friend because of singing birthday song to sweet you know...
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