Because of this, IPR had organized Ambang Merdeka. We had our parade in the afternoon and performance at night. We had also barbeque, our three Chinese group had combined to have barbeque, so as other group. I couldn't take pictures at night with my Nokia 6300, wait until I have enough money to buy a digital camera, muahahaha...
So, I could only take some shots of the performance in the hall, I couldn't take the photos of my group's performance, as I was also involved in the performance. Sorry for the low quality of the picture.

View inside the hall during Ambang Merdeka, quite beautiful, isn't it? Thanks to our creative lecturer, Mr. Michael Wong.

Drama of seniors from Pengajian Sosial. Funny but it broughts up the meaning of "UNITED".

Our lovely lecturers sang! Conducted by Mdm. Ling, my lovely Choir Club's lecturer.
My group performance is choir. We were the only singing group who didn't bring any notes when we sang. Although we didn't win any prizes, but I satisfied with our performance, we had already did our best. As long as our performance didn't look bad, that is enough, we didn't hope to win any prize, we just did what we should do. Next Tuesday, we will having Aerobic competition. We had already practice for three days, same, we will do our best, we don't hope to win, as long as we don't look bad, at least for that, I won't feel embarassed.