2007年11月17日 星期六

Still in Fever~~

In exam fever, not me who get sick! TENSION!!! So have to online and blog, today is my longest day for online, about 5 hours maybe. I'm not using RM 66 for 24 hours one, I use RM 44 for 60 hours poer month...never mind, after this, I won't online until next month. You can say I won't use a lot this few days, but don't forget, my sister will online for a long time too, haha! At least next week nobody will online, because I am going to have exam, my sister already in the camp for a week. A week?!! Nah, she is one of the in-charge, need to go earlier.

Today don't know what happen to STPM candidates...I mean my friends. I think they are in P.Am fever, because we will have P.Am next week. Got four person I think, found me to discuss about P.Am Paper 2, asking about hot topics, pass year questions. Got one guy, he is nearly graduate from college, I don't know he help who, he doesn't have younger brother or sister who have this exam. He asked me hot topics by SMS. Thanks God we have the infrastructure of using handphone, can always SMS, not need spend a lot time and money, haha!

"FEVER" until 4th December...Phew!

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