2010年1月23日 星期六

台湾作家戴晨志励志讲座 - 古田花园篇

昨天(1月22日),我校的华文协会参与这项讲座。 难得台湾著名作家来到砂洲诗巫给予励志讲座,而且戴先生的书本都很好看,都充满智慧,他的名言,我都非常喜欢,于是我们就申请了学院的巴士,浩浩荡荡来到诗巫华团参与这项讲座。

五点起程,六点到目的地,我们到附近的食物档享用晚餐。 吃饱了,就到附近的公园走走, 看到以下照片里的石头写着“古田之光”,我猜想这里是不是古田花园。 无论如何,在这里,我就称它为古田花园好了,诗巫人若知道真正的答案,帮忙纠正我啊! 

那里的风景很优美,看过去顿时觉得清爽凉快,心旷神怡, 果然是散步的好地方。 那里,我们看到一座塔,想起了pagoda这个字,是在TITAS里学的tamadun China有看到这个字眼。 看来中国的发展为马来西亚华族带来非常大的影响。




经过处理后,你看它是不是可以成为其中一个宣传海报,又或者是专辑封面? 哈哈……


戴先生曾经是媒体界的人物,这也难怪他的拍摄技术很强。 他在演讲时展示了蜘蛛织网的照片,他说是他亲手拍摄的,焦点要调多少次才能成功拍到焦点如此强烈的照片。 大家想象一下,焦点在于一只漂亮的蜘蛛正在织网,网后面的背景都是模糊。 哇…我真希望以后能够拥有如此高超的技术。 只要我们有渴望,不可能的事都会变成可能,它之所以拥有如此强大的力量,就是因为力量来自渴望

感想篇会在近日分享, 本人的眼皮有点重,无法分享参加讲座的感想, 晚安!

2010年1月19日 星期二

Fall Down Again

Again, I fell down in the beginning of the year. I still remember last year where I sprained my toe, until I still felt the pain during Chinese New Year. There is less than one month before Chinese New Year and again I got hurt. Thanks God the injury is less serious than last year, I needed to get bandage straight away the Chinese New Year break started. What a clumsy girl...I mean myself.

How did it happen? Me, the clumsy girl don't know how to wear high heel shoes, fell down during going downstairs. Don't worry, I didn't get sprained or whatever, just a little injury with swollen. However, I couldn't walk very fast next few days, I guess. Be a graceful girl, walk slowly and I would not get injured again. I still want to go shopping in Sibu this Sunday!!!

Some of my friends were there when the incident happened. Thanks for their caring and worry although I think they worried too much ( Don't be angry when you see this :P) Again, I clarified that my leg didn't get sprained, just swollen and a little injury, will feel a bit pain when I walk, that's all. Hehe...Thanks for your help, for those who witnessed the case, washing my wound, help me to stand up and walk...Really thanks everyone, I really appreciate that.

I HOPE it won't repeat next year...I try to be a graceful girl, OK? (Can I??)

2010年1月16日 星期六

The 200th Post

The 200th post in this 2 1/2 years blog, I choose to use English as the medium in this post, just like my first post in this blog. The blog entitled "A Story of Life and Dream" is telling my stories, my dreams and my feelings to all of you. I know my blog is less popularity and I had ever think to increase it. But in the end, I give up. My blog's purpose is to share my story, my feeling and my view on everything happen around me, and I know I have readers, so...it just a place to let my other friends know more about my latest update...

My life become busy since the 1st degree semester started. I have no more mood, no more idea to share my life here. Last holiday, I was addicted to Internet and now I am less interested with it. I will just open Facebook, Twitter and Plurk for a peek, then...no more. What can I tell is I need to be more mature than before and I need to improve my English writing also. Long time I didn't use English to publish my post...

Become lazy right now, lazy to do my homework, lazy to blog...Maybe because you can know the update through Plurk there. Sometimes I really want to share something on particular day but that day the wireless didn't work well or I was busy, I lost my mood. What a pity...Hopefully I can continue my sharing here until 300, 400, 500 posts...Hopefully I can be hardworking in everything include my work and my blog!

Let me
just share my birthday presents here, although it already passed for 1/2 month and officially I am 21 right now!
Another Winnie the Pooh but it is small version, thanks Andrew^^

A surprise present from Jenny and Siew Jing, my coursemates

Cute small jug and moo moo clipInside the small jug

There are more pictures on another presents which will be uploaded later...Thanks for your presents and wishes through SMS and Facebook, Thanks a lot! Wish you all have a blessed year 2010!

2010年1月11日 星期一


2010年的第二个星期,我才得空更新我的部落格,只是透过plurk来更新目前的状况,在这里要对大家说声对不起…本人有点忙碌,在周末才会比较得空。 忙不忘的功课, 开不完的会,却让生活更加充实。 不抱怨日子繁忙, 要感恩自己还能有生命气息度过忙碌的生活,要有90/10原则!

上个周末,与系友出街购物,接着就独自前往民众会堂凑个热闹。 ASTRO AEC为了《家在马来西亚》系列来到泗里街,我特地前往目的地观看《家在马来西亚》泗里街篇。看到熟悉的地方搬上荧幕,搬上电视,感觉很亲切,也很奇怪,难以语言形容当时的心情。 我在想,西马的华裔看了这个节目后会不会更加认识这个胡椒之乡、黄梨城呢? 身在外地的泗里街人看到自己的家乡在电视节目里出现,心情会不会是兴奋万分呢?




我喜欢它的照片,很漂亮,很有意思。 我喜欢明信片上的那几行字,很有意义,或许在外的游子看到了这些字都会开始思念他们的家乡,迫不及待想要回家。 朋友说,他听到贺岁歌,就想回家。 不要紧,一个月很快就会过去,虽然等待是漫长的,但是…

这个照片就送给大家吧! 想看得更清楚,可以按此照片放大。 一共有四张,我只给大家看一张,若大家想看另外三张,可以告诉我。