课业终于完成了! 顿时, 大家都松了一口气,都因为庆贺繁忙日子的结束而兴奋, 朋友突然变成大方, 请我们几位朋友喝茶! 我们也喊声欢呼, 不但把自己松的那一口气喊出来, 也把这段时间所受到的负面情绪完全给喊出来(别担心, 没有吓着其他人啦)。
回想昨夜大家依然忙着完成课业, 每人的心情没有一个不是烦躁的。 为了要尽快完成课业, 回到已久未见的被窝, 每人的性格顿时变成急性子, 语气和情绪一直都在受影响, 随时会飙高音。
急性子的我随着当时的“潮流”也变得更急, 自己的语气一时受不了控制, 和一位朋友说话的时候, 语气变成比较高昂, 她立刻掩盖双耳, 说:“不要骂人了。” 那时候, 我才发现, 我的说话方式出了问题, 令人误会我在生气, 其实我并非那个意思。 当时, 我立刻承认是我的语气加重了点, 立刻把声量、语调和速度都减少了, 和她继续谈话。
感谢主, 朋友的那句话唤醒了我……
原来我说话时有时会咄咄逼人, 容易被其他人误会, 我在生气, 我在责骂别人。
难怪我这么容易和他发生争执, 就因为我的语调容易飙高, 争吵就这样发生了。
我醒了, 彻底地醒了。
今天, 是改变的第一天。 我在与人处事的时候, 尽量用温和的语气和同学们说话。 难免, 有时语气还是有点加重, 语调还是有点高昂, 可是我对此时的我感到有点满意。 我竟然能在最繁忙的时候以温和的说话方式与人处事。 可能, 说话的速度是快了点, 不过应该不会伤感情吧! 如果我还是之前的我, 当时的我一定是飙高音、重语气, 之间的感情肯定是伤了不少!
虽然说话的内容可能是负面的, 但是自己的说话方式也是影响整场局面的气氛。 温和的说话方式能够暖和场面的紧迫气氛, 虽然内容是令人震怒的。 所以, 说话技巧真的是一门学问啊!
还有一个新发现, 原来当自己用温和的说话方式来交待负面的心情和消息时, 自己的情绪倒是暖和了不少, 可以预防高血压和心脏病哦, 哈哈! 对脾气暴躁的人(包括我)很管用哦, 所以大家就一起学习用最温和的语气、声调、音量和速度与人沟通吧!
2009年4月17日 星期五
那天, 我哭了
我知道, 我的样子让大家吓坏了……
实际上, 我还哭到双眼红肿。
可是,我才发现, 原来已经到了极限。
我病倒了, 昏昏沉沉度过好几天了……
班长的职位, 我越来越不顺手;
功课, 并非做到最好;
向他倾诉, 反而烦到他,
我真的太不贴心了, 竟然打扰了他……
于是那天, 我哭了,
谢谢大家的关心, 谢谢大家……
所以, 别担心……
2009年4月12日 星期日
Stories of X Sleeping + Neslo 'O'
I don't know when this kind of life will be end...
I had already sacrificed my sleeping time this few days,
just doing my last minute job.
Why I always do last minute job?
Why I always feel heartless to do my job,
before the date line is coming nearer and nearer?
I know,
this life will be end for a while after the month of May,
after I busy with assignments and course works in April,
after I busy to prepare for semester examination in May.
How should I arrange my time well?
How should I be discipline enough to follow my plan?
Now, I still blogging here,
because I had already jammed with my assignment.
I don't know how to continue my work,
again I feel heartless to do it...

Warm Neslo 'O' in cup become my favourite drink since last week. It is produced according to the formula below:
I had already sacrificed my sleeping time this few days,
just doing my last minute job.
Why I always do last minute job?
Why I always feel heartless to do my job,
before the date line is coming nearer and nearer?
I know,
this life will be end for a while after the month of May,
after I busy with assignments and course works in April,
after I busy to prepare for semester examination in May.
How should I arrange my time well?
How should I be discipline enough to follow my plan?
Now, I still blogging here,
because I had already jammed with my assignment.
I don't know how to continue my work,
again I feel heartless to do it...

Warm Neslo 'O' in cup become my favourite drink since last week. It is produced according to the formula below:
Nescafe + Milo = Neslo
How about 'O'? I guess Malaysian will know about it; the drink is milk-free and sugar-free.
Why do I fall in love with it?
Because I need COFFEE!
But I cannot drink coffee,
I will get gastric.
Hence, I take this less powerful drink.
No gastric and I could stand for more hours before sleep,
good, isn't i?
I have to drink this every day,
not because I am addicted with it,
but I NEED it to continue my fight with assignments...
My last assignment's date line is on 23th April,
others' date line are on 13th April and 16th April,
looks like I will going to drink more Neslo 'O'!
Why do I fall in love with it?
Because I need COFFEE!
But I cannot drink coffee,
I will get gastric.
Hence, I take this less powerful drink.
No gastric and I could stand for more hours before sleep,
good, isn't i?
I have to drink this every day,
not because I am addicted with it,
but I NEED it to continue my fight with assignments...
My last assignment's date line is on 23th April,
others' date line are on 13th April and 16th April,
looks like I will going to drink more Neslo 'O'!
2009年4月7日 星期二
Little Light Present
Madam Lau is going to West Malaysia soon...She has become my Chinese teacher before when I was in Form 4 for half years. Who knows after 4 years, we met again and this time, she is upgraded to be my Chinese lecturer! But again for half years only as she is not very healthy during pregnancy.
Before this, I used to call her Miss Lau but now I am not used to call her Madam Lau. I had called her Miss Lau for years as she was my PKHEM before. She is strict but she cares a lot of her students. Somehow, I prefer her to become our school's PKHEM but it is God's plan, who knows about it?
To let our beloved Madam to have something memorable, we produced these!

Thank you very much for all of you, spending time to do this although everyone is busy finishing the assignments. Madam Lau can't wait to watch our Pesta Angpau MV! Overall, she gave positive comments and she thanks you all because of doing this presents for her. Her baby girl is very cute and I do not dare to take a picture of her sleeping face that time. So, Sorry to all because I did not take the photo, Haha!
That's all of my report on this. It is no electricity now and I need to continue to do my assignments. Everyone, gambateh for your work!
Before this, I used to call her Miss Lau but now I am not used to call her Madam Lau. I had called her Miss Lau for years as she was my PKHEM before. She is strict but she cares a lot of her students. Somehow, I prefer her to become our school's PKHEM but it is God's plan, who knows about it?
To let our beloved Madam to have something memorable, we produced these!
Decorated DVD with the contains: MV of Pesta Angpau, Chinese New Year Songs (made by us) and special PowerPoint.
Front cover
Back cover
Special name card from Chinese group
DVD + Name cards
Thank you very much for all of you, spending time to do this although everyone is busy finishing the assignments. Madam Lau can't wait to watch our Pesta Angpau MV! Overall, she gave positive comments and she thanks you all because of doing this presents for her. Her baby girl is very cute and I do not dare to take a picture of her sleeping face that time. So, Sorry to all because I did not take the photo, Haha!
That's all of my report on this. It is no electricity now and I need to continue to do my assignments. Everyone, gambateh for your work!
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