2016年5月17日 星期二

人存在這世上,有何意義? Why are human being in this world?

人,存在這世上,有何意義? Why are human being in this world?
即使有信仰生活的我,也在摸索着答案。Even me who have religion, still finding the answer.
即使我知道,上帝造人,為要榮耀祂。Even though I know, human are created to glorify Him.

既然如此,那是不是罪在作祟?Hence, is it the Sin who lead all these?
以致人選擇自我,成為自私,變為自大?Causes human to be self-centered?
結果忘了高高在山的神,應當居首位的上帝。In the end, we forgot the Almighty God.

或許,就因為如此,上帝才把人造得如此有限。Maybe, that's why human are so limited.
即使,人是照着上帝的形象所造。Although, human are created based on God's image.
幸好,人沒有上帝擁有萬能的智慧。Luckily, human don't own the God's wisdom.
只是吃下分辨善惡的果子,就已經釀成如此大事。Just because of the fruit, we become sinner.

也就因為這樣,人才會軟弱。That's why human always weak.
也就因為這樣,有些人會尋求神,歸向神。That's why some of them seek for God.

不過,上帝不是任人擺佈的神。However, God is not human's servant.
雖然祂是供應者,但祂也是公義的神。He is the supplier, yet He is the righteousness too.
祂即不照單全收,也是全都聆聽的神。He won't answer all, yet He listens all.
就因祂擁有智慧,祂曉得哪個是最好的。As He has the wisdom, He knows what is the best.

到頭來,神讓人存在這世上又有何意義?So, why are human being in this world?
果真是為了榮耀祂的話,那該怎麼做?If it is real to glorify Him, what should we do?
